Send daily task Update from glide using Make

Hi Guys,

I took a bit of time to figure out how to do this. But finally managed to crack it. So I thought if putting it here if it helps anyone.

Problem Statement:

I had a requirement where I had to send tasks which are in “Not Started” and “In progress” state daily morning Via email to respective users as an means of reminding them to update status or complete the task

Pre requisites

I have table called Task which has “Task Description” , “Task Owner Name” , “Task Status” , “Task Due Date” , “Task Entry Date”

Please note that all columns have to basic column type

Due date and Task Entry date can be in Date and Time format we can format it later.

Need a make account

How does it work?

  1. Create a Scenario in Make first module is Glide → select “Get Rows” from the options. → Add details required including App and Table names
  2. Click on the time icon to schedule the running → select suitable option in “Run Scenario” you can select from various options. I selected “Everyday” and selected a time for running it Click ok
  3. You will get All rows in Bundle as output from 2nd module → Add Iterator module of Make to iterate through each row of the bundle. This is an important step as it has to move through each row, Add Glides row[] as input to this module

This module will output each row as a Bundle which contains every row elements

I need to filter all rows I get to give only tasks with Status “Not Started” and “In Progress”

I add filter element in after the Array iterator module

Where “StatusColumnName” is Equal to “Not Started” or “StatusColumnName” is Equal to “In Progress” as shown below

  1. Add Array Aggregator module of glide → Select source module as Iterator → In Aggregated Fields column select all fields from previous output which you need as shown below

**Please note it is important to select Group by option as shown in red circled colour ** You can select which parameter you want to group tasks based on.

In My case I selected Task Owners email as I need to send emails of all tasks for the owner to his email

You can next add a check to see only to pass values from this module as output which has “Email ID” which is my main key. You can add filter to do the same by using the “Exists” operator

  1. Create an Iterator Module to iterate through every element of array Aggregator. Supply the Array as input to this module

You will get bundles with different tasks under each bundle which will be grouped by the Value you gave for grouping

In My case I gave email id as grouping parameter so I will get bundles grouped to gather in output for each unique email id

  1. Pass this through a text aggregator module Where Source module for this is “iterator from previous step” and in Text column you can add text and fetch values dynamically.

EX: I want every Task Description, Task Status , Current Date and Task link to be fetched I can seperate each element of array by a
to make each appear in different line as shown below

Output will be each task text bundle grouped by Unique Id given.

  1. Create Email Module and select “Send Email” and link it to email provider I have used Gmail in my example.

The To email ID will be the unique key I have which is Email ID in my case

this ensures that emails with list of tasks are sent to this email ID

Add a subject

Add a body where you can again fetch values dynamically as shown below

PS: I am sending a subject which will read : Tasks Pending from “Previous day Date:”

From my screen shot the “Text” filed which is inserted in body will give all tasks associated with the particular Email id

Final Output:
Email with list of tasks for particular unique email is sent with configured Subject and Email body.

Final Make Configuration looked as below

Hope this will help anybody looking to send automated daily Mails or reports.

Thank you.
