Scripts, scripts, scripts!

Gotcha! Thanks for the clarification! :pray:t2:

This might just unlock something to do with Glide countdown timer. Hmmmm,need to test.

Thank you for this.

I got it to work with one Inline list and it works great so thanks again!

However, I have multiple Inline Lists that have conditional visibility setup based on time/dates
thus multiple inline list components per tab - my question is how would I add them all to the script so as to process ALL/EACH time/date column, in each Sheet?

Sorry - this is somewhat a new arena for me

Two options

  • Option 1: to use it as it is, just call it once for each sheet, giving it the list of column numbers for each
  • Option 2: modify it so that it will accept an array of sheetnames, then you could just call it once

Option 1 would look something like:

fix_timestamps('Sheet1', [2,7,11]);
fix_timestamps('Sheet2', [1,2]);
fix_timestamps('Sheet3', [3]);

Option 2 is left as an exercise for the reader :grin:


 in theory, this wouldn’t affect that at all. As I said earlier

The dates & times that you see in Glide (both data editor & UI) shouldn’t look any different after using this.

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Ok - time to get crackin’ then! Thanks again for your help!

@Wiz.Wazeer, be mindful I used to use scripts as timers and I can provide you with some scripts that do this but google sheets only allows up to 6 hrs of scripts per day. If you exceed they just stop all together until the next day. I was running into this problem often.

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Thank you @Drearystate . I am not using the timer function for now. The one @Darren_Murphy created doesn’t require the timer function and probably because i was under wrong impression that it did. But, if I run into issues I know I have two script masters now to take care of things!

Well it’s not necessarily a timer function but any script ran under your name in google sheets. If the script runtimes exceed 6 hours. So timed triggers, onedits, onchange, all of them across all google sheets scripts.

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You know what I am thinking ,.we need tutorials from you guys on all the script terminologies like “var” etc
simple scripts no issues but anything beyond that and I am scratching my head and banging it against a wall :rofl: :rofl:

var stands for variable

you use it to declare a variable. :grinning:

Yes but what is a variable in this context?

See what I mean and how dumb I am lol

I have something for you sir. I found this yesterday while looking to see if I could help people better with this and it just so happens you caught me before I did a tutorial on it.

So now you can almost use Java directly in google scripts with google updating to Chrome V8 JavaScript Engine. Heres the link to explain this below.

Now you might ask, “how does that help me?” Well my good friend Google also created this thing called Blockly. You can use this to put together logic like a puzzle and it will write out the code in Java, Python and a few other languages for you :slight_smile:

That link is here.


The window it brings you to is the window you work in. You do not have to login just delete the hello world commands and your good to go.

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Wow thank you for this boss! I’m going to explore . I hate scripts but they are so indispensable. I actually would not need them if only glide could find a way to remove the rowID footprints left behind on clearing of columns.

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Wow looks promising !

I fiddled with it yesterday but have yet to write an entire program (complex program) in it. I think in the next few weeks I will write a full blown program using their logic and seeing how well it interprets into scripts. There will have to be some changes made on occasion but it can also teach you how java or python or even php is structured and works.

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I do honestly beleive that visual scripting in this manner will replace the majority of coding requirements. They are building these for the majority of software languages.

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We use “Document Studio” (Digital Inspiration product) for creating custom, printable PDF invoices for clients, among other things. This is great resource! Thanks!

*Edit: Also a good tool for creating personalized print materials. :+1:t2:

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This is fabulous ! thank you for sharing this one.