Rollup and how to display this "rolled up" information

hard to explain in text. hopefully the video is clear. I would almost need “elements” in the builder to allow to count and sum things in the spreadsheet, instead of rolling up columns.

You’re sort of on the right track :wink:

  • Create a working table with one row for each of your sizes
  • Create a relation joining each size to your other table that contains all the data
  • Do your rollups through this relation. This will give you individual counts.
  • And use this in your inline list
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I think that makes sense in my head. I will try it out when I get home. Thank you!

What about row owners? A while back I tried something and I guess roll up will calculate everything (which makes sense). That inventory will have a city attached to it which will dictate what driver will get it.

I guess I would just make another column in that inventory spreadsheet for each driver, then add a filter for the city? Would prefer to have it automated so I wouldn’t have to add something manually every time a driver is added. Let me get the first part figured out then I will post a video about the row owners part.

Much appreciated as always!

It can take a while to get your head around how Row Owners works, and especially the implications for computed columns (at least it did for me). I think the penny finally dropped for me when I truly understood that:

  • Row Owners prevents data from being downloaded to a users device
  • Relations, rollups and all other computed columns are applied AFTER all data is downloaded
  • So all computed columns will work, but ONLY with the data that actually exists on the device at the time

@david @Mark - @Darren_Murphy 's brief explanation needs to be added to the Docs. I have reviewed them again this morning and Darren’s succinct points would make this section so much easier to understand from a security and application design perspective - Roles


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