Request for a better "search bar" capability

Hi Jeff.

I used this plugin: Remove Text Accents column • Glide to make a “No accent” column, then created a template column to wrap that value inside this tag: <div style="display: none;"> TEXT </div>, and finally added a Rich Text component to the details of an Inline list.

I tried searching and it didn’t populate the results.

To troubleshoot, I chose the original “No accent” column to make sure it was actually showing up in the details screen, and then tried the search, again with no results.

This screenshot shows the details page.

  • The green arrow is the original text with accent.
  • The red arrow is the “No accent” column as a Rich Text component value.

When I search “Miércoles”, it works as always.

When I search “Miercoles”, it doesn’t show any results and It’s misleading because I’m watching it right there, heh.