I will preface this by saying my experience with Airtable and Smartsuite is definitely fogging my logic here.
Here is my scenario:
The two tables I’m working with are Business Locations and Contacts.
This seems like such a basic use case for businesses.
Contacts may be connected to one location like a store manager or OR they may be connected to many locations like a Regional Manager or an Area Facilities Manager.
One Regional Manager in my Contacts is connected to 13 stores. In Airtable I just connect him to those in one column in my Contacts table.
When I import from cvs to a new Glide Table, not linking to my Airtable to this, those relationships are now a long list separated by commas in one column.
I’m stuck on how to work with those to get them to connect to the locations as I need them to be accessible in a Contacts list for each of those 13 locations as well as the store level manager.
Any chance you have an easy fix for this question related to that question? So I need my sales reps to access an edit/add situation a location screen on the app. They can see the contact name via a list component, but how do they do a search for contacts or add new contact within that component and connect back to the location they are currently viewing? Does that make sense?
If a manager is moved to a new location, but we already have them in our contacts list, they can chose them, if not in our contacts list they can add them.
Might need to see some screenshots to understand what exact you are trying to do.
I have some follow-up questions. Which table contains the comma delimited list? Do you only add contacts to a location, or only add locations to a contact, or do you allow it to be done both ways? Only one way (one to many) should be fairly easy. Both ways (many to many) is a bit more complicated, and I have a differing opinion on how that should be set up compared to others.
Just want some clarification before I suggest anything.
I’m not sure if this will help. This was my original post on this add or select thing. Can this be done? Choose and Add Ideally the contact is connected to the location so the contact can move locations if needed.
I’m not sure for a second if this helps as I think I’ve gotten myself so sufficiently confused on this that the solution is alluding me and making me crazy at the same time!
So based on that post, it indicates that you are trying to edit contacts for a location. However, based on your statement above, it seems like you want to instead edit locations for a contact. I’m trying to understand which direction you want to go. Add/Edit contacts for a location, or Add/Editlocations for a contact, or would you want to be able to do it both ways depending on if you are viewing a location or contact. Allowing both directions makes for a more complex setup because the comma delimited list of selections is only located in one of the two tables, or you need to have a third table to make the many-to-many connections. This is not Airtable, so things will be a little different.
Still would like an answer to this question as well.
The comma separated list is in fact in my locations Table. My contacts table contains a list of unique contacts and includes name, phone, email, and a notes field plus a relation to the location.
I am trying to add or select that contact here, within the location detail page:
Basically when they click that orange + button, I want the option for them to select a current contact to connect this Location to or add a new contact and then connect that contact to Location. Writing it out this way, I had my logic backwards.
And I super appreciate your help. I’ve reached the limit of figuring it out on my own.