Relation column not working properly

Something funky happening with the relation column. It does not allow me to edit and select a destination column… it keeps resetting to different column.

Whenever I try to correct the relation by selecting ‘email lower case’ as the destination column with which to match values, Glide ignores the selection and picks a different column… strangely the look up column instead.

I have tried deleting the relation column and recreating it but that does not fix the issue. Weird.


I added some columns to the table that the relation was pointing too. The relation automatically defaults to the last column in the table as the destination value. No matter any attempt to select another column, it defaults to the last column… strange.

That said, the functionality behaves as if the relation has been set up correctly. The relation works ok, it just reports the wrong column as the destination column to match.

See below. I believe a fix is due to land in the next day or two.


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