Receive a webhook?

Hello. I’d like to have a help to setup a webhook receiver.

I setup the flow that glide send an api call to square terminal. And then I need to setup the way to receive the webhook from them that showing status of the checkout order that will be posted in one of my table

I can’t find it anywhere in the community resources. Anyone who has been there please share the workflow for that please?


Create a webhook workflow will give you a URL and optionally a bearer token.

You will need to configure your square account so it sends info to that URL.


Thank you guys. From this I had made a webhook to listen to square checkout result. However, JSON parse seem not to working correctly on computed columns. I figured that I would switch to Make and have that data parse and send it back to by Big Table using API that also wouldn’t cost me a lot of updates though.

I’ve realized that there is log tables that on my account. Do I need to delete them or Glide will handle that?

They won’t be deleted. If you don’t want them, you will need to remove the data periodically.


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