Quickchart font color

Done! works.

Please do…
I’m sure It will be helpful and I will defiantly use it often…

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As you do so that it responds in size according to the size of the webview component. at home he does not want :frowning:

could you please change the text on the pie background to black for now? can be hard coded

Well, between my version and the version of @ThinhDinh
I made a mix.
The idea is to provide the config.
As this each makes its graph with these parameters

YC link


That’s a good solution! but when changing the size the alignment is moved

for some reason cant see the black

is it only HEX?

I made a new version if you are interested.

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now ok with right and left but cut at the bottom… almost there :slight_smile:

adjust the size of the webview component

yess Im doing that and it is cuttings at the bottom

what size choose Height & width ?

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yes my bad.
have to leave the parameters blank

you guys are incredible!

and with filling ???

if you can add parameter for backgroundColor: [
and labels and text color then you nailed the whole chart

you have to understand that the configuration is very strict, you must not forget a {} or a or check that there is not an extra ‘,’ or forget.
This is why the first version was simpler.
Can you give me a copy of your config with the errors.

stopped working

  type: 'pie',
  data: {
    datasets: [
        data: [Carbs,Protein,Fat],
        backgroundColor: [
borderWidth: 0.5,
    labels: ['פחמימה','חלבון','שומן']
   options: { 
            legend: {
                labels: {
                    fontColor: "white",
                    fontSize: 12
            plugins: {
      datalabels: {
        color: "black",

?? At home it works the first time !!!
I just replaced the values ​​of Datas to do the test (I imagine a reference to other columns !!)

  type: 'pie',
  data: {
    datasets: [
        data: [10,20,30],
        backgroundColor: [
borderWidth: 0.5,
    labels: ['פחמימה','חלבון','שומן']
   options: { 
            legend: {
                labels: {
                    fontColor: "white",
                    fontSize: 12
            plugins: {
      datalabels: {
        color: "black",

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the size isnt changing :frowning: