Query Warning - This query will be faster as a relation. Learn more

I’m playing around with query column and i find this warning as I add my first filter
“This query will be faster as a relation just as I start to build my query”

As speed is definitely one of our major concern using Glide.
So was wondering before we start building query columns, is there any information or advice regarding speed of query vs relation


If you check out Robert Petitto’s awesome video (🧲 The QUERY Column: One Column to Rule Them All!) he mentions that when this happens you should use a relation to get the data you need, then use the query to filter the results. This should be faster than just using a query, if I understood him correctly




Hmm, are two calculated columns faster than one of them? Bearing in mind that Relation+Query is faster than Query with two conditions?
At what scale is the difference noticeable?
On the amount of data in which the search is performed? Thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands?

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Great question. Not sure! @mark?