Product search

Are you saying that you want to transpose those 9 columns from one specific row into separate rows whenever you select a date to view? Then display those rows in an inline list?

I’m thinking you’ll need some sort of variation of @Robert_Petitto’s method. Basically create arrays of products and quantities. Then create a working table with 9 rows. In that table, have a user specific column to store a user selected date. Create a Single Value column to expand that date across all rows. Then create a relation that links the date to your original table. Then bring those arrays into the table as single values columns or lookup columns. Then split the arrays into rows by using a row index to retrieve the respective array item based on the row index. Set this up as an action, so when you select a date from a list, first set the user specific column with this dat value. Then the rest of the table will auto populate and you can use it for your inline list.