-Activities table:
-Chat table:
- The configuration of the relation column that links the Activities table to the Chat table:
-The source table of my chat tab: for the moment I add manually the activity row id and with the look up and relation I found the rest of informations. Yes I need to find a solution for that (when a new activity is created, a new row must be added to the chat table with the activity row id).
-The source of the inline list on the details screen of my chosen activity:
I think your chat tab should be sourced from the activities table. Then it will show all activities at the top tab level. Also, you should have the relation in the activities table instead of the chat table.
That way when you open your chat tab, you will see a list of all activities. When you click on an activity, it will show you the details for that activity. Then you will have access to the relation in the activities table, which can be used as the source of your chat inline list.
Since you are viewing the details of an activity, the. when you add a new chat through your send button, you should have access to the activity row id which can automatically be added to the new chat row.
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Ok but when I make the action for the button “Send” I can only “set column value” of the activity table, not the chat table (where I put the messages). And I like to have my own tab with just the chat (not the details of the activity).
I found the solution! But I like to have the chat in a own tab. Any ideas? And also to allow to people that post a message to delete their last message.
I have reread this thread a few times and I think it’s made me more confused. I can’t seem wrap my head around how you have have everything set up and how the activities and chat tab relate to each other, or what exactly the problems are. I’m sorry that I can’t provide more help with this. I’m guessing that I would have done things differently, but since I don’t really know anything about your app, it’s hard to say. I’m just blindly guessing how everything is set up.
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