Offline Add-Row functionality limits

Hi, the business plan has the Offline Add-Row feature, I have models (or tables) in which I store related data like this: I add a row in the first table and then I add another row to the second table in which I need the row ID of the first one. If I am offline, is the Offline Add-Row feature capable of generating the row ID of the first one and use it in the second table?

Anyone with experience in Offline Add-Row feature? @Robert_Petitto @Darren_Murphy

I haven’t. I actually might need this feature sooner than later as well in order to satisfy tech specifications for a client’s RFP. @mark ?

I believe that should work, though I haven’t tried.


Yay! @mark answered! I miss you, @mark. Haven’t heard from you in ages!


hehe, I was just thinking the same last night that he’d been very quiet lately. Busy building awesome new Glide stuff, I expect :slight_smile: