Need a clarification about RowId generation

Can I have a clarification on how the RowId string is generated? What I want to know is if the string is guaranteed to be unique only for the current table or if it is unique in a general sense for all the tables and there is no risk that another identical can be created in the current App or even even in other Apps.
Just to go in the right direction.


I was wondering about the same subject


@ThinhDinh … Can you say something about this?

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I don’t know really, can’t confirm I have seen 2 same IDs in different apps, but why do you need it to be different across apps?


An example across different APPs: put that you make a copy of the spreedsheet and make it available empty for another APP of another organization.
Then put that the two different organizations, for some subsequent reason, have a need to exchange records between them. One of the two organizations would never want to find, for example, two different elements with the same rowid.

In my opinion within the APP itself, this need is felt even more. For example, are we certain that a rowid generated for an element that is subsequently deleted is not unfortunately generated the same for a new element? In my APP, for example, I have some relationships built based on the rowid and I admit that records in other tables may be orphaned of the deleted element they were related to via rowid. If then the element reappears (because unfortunately it has been assigned a rowid that existed in the past) the records are no longer orphaned but become children of a wrong new parent.


In terms of the deletion, I think it’s generally preferably to do a “soft delete” whereby you have a boolean column marked “deleted” and use the value of this column to filter out “deleted” entries. This avoids the orphaning issue, retains consistency for future data audit and MAY also help with your requirement for a unique ID within a sheet.


I agree.