Multiple logins to same account

My app contains personal data for each user. There will be times when the user wants to share the data with a family member or caregiver. What is best way to configure a second (or third) login to the same account so that the user can make the sharing happen? Thank you for any help on this.

Add column with emails separated by “,” and use condition if email is included in this column, later you can also add split column for this one… and do relations to it

The primary user should have a screen where they can create a family ID. Then they can fill out a form to invite another user via email. When they do, a new role gets added to a family sheet that associates the email with the ID and then also sends an email to that person telling them to sign into the app. In the user sheet, relate the email to the email in the family sheet and then do a look up to grab the family ID. Something like that.

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@Robert_Petitto hahhaah are we competing ? lol

Not at all :slight_smile: you must’ve answered the same time I did.


Ok, the following part I think I get:

“The primary user should have a screen where they can create a family ID. Then they can fill out a form to invite another user via email. When they do, a new role gets added to a family sheet that associates the email with the ID and then also sends an email to that person telling them to sign into the app.”

This will result in a three-column table (familyID, emailUser, emailNewUser). Correct?

The next part:

“In the user sheet, relate the email to the email in the family sheet and then do a look up to grab the family ID.”

So, in the user profiles table, I relate to the familyID table with the userEmail, then a lookup to add emailNewUser to the user profile, correct?

If this is right, when emailNewUser logs in, he/she will be logging into the emailUser account? This is where I am a bit confused and may not have it right in my description above.

Thanks for the help so far and I appreciate any more clarity you can bring to this.

Can this accomplished with Roles?

Yes…where each “family_id” is the role. Basically, you need a common value that each family member shares.

Thanks. Will give it a try