Since the start of the pandemic, life hasn’t been the same for any of us. My wife normally did all of the cooking, but since I’ve been working remote since March 2020, we’ve been doing it together. It’s been a lot of fun, and we enjoy cooking together. We recently subscribed to HomeChef to try some different recipes and eliminate having a lot of leftovers (used to cooking for more than just the two of us). It’s been ideal we rarely have any leftovers now.
But anyhow, I thought I’d share this app that I just created today. It’s basically a Mobile Recipe Card Catalog. I have a long way to go on the app, including separating the dish types, etc., but looking for additional suggestions. Let me know your thoughts and feedback. I’ve included the ability to add to the database on the fly.
Great idea! For an app like this I would like the ability to enter ingredients and find out what recipes match my inputs.
You do enter the ingredients for thr recipes. Also if you do a search for a particular recipe, it will bring up that recipe that has that ingredient.
Yeah I’m aware of that search ability, if you can do it with multiple inputs then it would be worth submitting a template!
Are you talking multiple input to search for?
For example I want this recipe to show up, let’s say I have “Flour” and “Peanut Butter Chips” in my fridge.
Each individual search work but let’s say a user wants to input multiple ingredients like this then it won’t work.
I understand now. I’ll have to see what’s the best way to do this. Thanks for the suggestion.
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Any suggestion on how to do this? I’ve searched and can’t find an option to do it.
I’m thinking we let users submit new rows, then filter an inline list by “Ingredients contain Choice 1 and Ingredients contain Choice 2” etc.
Instead of using the built in search (which I love btw) why not build your own search, you have a separate inline lists that pull the results from a text entry field. I am building something similar with drinks where you input the ingredients you have in your house and it tells you which drinks you can make with it. If you haven’t gotten yours working by then you can always download my template when its done, they are always free and in the forums and the template store.
That would be great. I’m playing around with it, but not having any luck yet.