Master List Roll Up / Calculation

Morning All,

Hope you’re well.

I am stuck on a section of a new project and wondered if you could help please!


  • I have two tables - one is a ‘Stock Master List’ which holds the total quantity numbers of items/parts in stock
  • The other table is ‘Parts - Jobs’ which is used associated with Jobs the client has to complete. They are linked based on stock quantity and Parts Code.

So what I would like to do is add a column in the Stock Master List which provides with me the latest up to date stock availability at any one time. Simple example below:

There are 4 x Pump’s in the Stock Master List (in stock) and a job starts and they use 3 of those Pump’s, I would like the Stock Master List to know there is only now 1 in available in stock.

I have tried creating a relationship between the ‘Parts Code’ field (which appears in both as a common field) and the creating a ROLL UP column in the Stock Master List but it doesn’t appear to be ‘summing’ correctly as I can only see Count or Count Unique. Is this the correct approach here?

If anyone has any better suggestions, please let me know! If it’s quicker/easier feel free to send a video to save time explaining the logic in writing.

Many thanks,

Check your column types in the Glide Data editor. Sounds like one of them might be a Text type rather than a Number type.

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Thanks so much for this Darren! This worked, you were spot on!

Would there be a better method to approach this if the Parts Code did include a letter in it so it did need to be a text field? Would you Rel another common field?

You can’t really sum something that isn’t a number, but if I understand correctly, that shouldn’t matter in this case. You are only using the Part Numbers for the purpose of creating the relation, right? The sum (I assume) is of some other (number) column via the relation?

Thanks for this. This makes sense.

Appreciate all your help as always.

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