Make a Link "nofollow"

Hi all,

Per default, all the links inside the app are “dofollow”. I wouldn’t want that since it basically gives away one of the most valuable resources for my clients away for free.

I’ve tried to use a custom html (i.e., “<a href=“” rel=“nofollow noreferrer noopener” target=”“_blank”“>Example LLC”) but glide somehow strips away my rel attributes.

Have you come across a similar issue or have an idea on how to solve it?


Glide apps aren’t really optimized for SEO, so data inside of them shouldn’t really be noticed by search engines, but I don’t deal with that world, so I don’t know.

But irregardless of that, I guess if you built out full href html links and used them in rich text components in your app, then I suppose you could apply the no follow rule.

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Hi @Jeff_Hager

Thanks for your fast answer. If that’s the case than that’s also fine.
Though your suggestion with the richt text is exactly what I did—but it didn’t work…


Got it. Not really sure then.

I think when I digged into this a while ago, Glide automatically does “dofollow” for all links that are shown on the screen, or at least rich text and open link actions.

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