I followed Roberts miracle method Glide: Transpose Data Columns into an Inline List with the MIRACLE METHOD - YouTube But it doesn’t allow other users to see their badges on a profile view tab.
I’m trying to create a social media style app by the way 
Hope anyone can help!
Hi @Michael_Vitagliano,
Welcome to the community 
Based on that Robert’s video I guess what you need to do is add the badgeCSV column on the Badges table selectedUsersBadgesCSV template column!
Sharing some videos too that will help you and they are made by Robert for Badges feature!
Glide App Gamification: Award Badges to Users! - YouTube , Glide Tutorial: Display Badges Earned - YouTube , Gamify Glide Apps Reboot #9: Earn, Award and Display BADGES - YouTube, Gamify your Glide App #4: Badges and Leaderboards - YouTube
Thank you
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