See screenshot.
Is it safe to assume that I can reference/modify .kEeglU
in CSS using a rich text component?
I’d like to reduce the horizontal padding a tad so I can squeeze in one more button.
See screenshot.
Is it safe to assume that I can reference/modify .kEeglU
in CSS using a rich text component?
I’d like to reduce the horizontal padding a tad so I can squeeze in one more button.
No, that is an unstable class name and you should never use those. Please try to find a more stable one.
What specific element are you targeting here?
Horizontal padding for the choice components I’m using as filters.
Eg: All | ToDo | Done
Any suggestions, @ThinhDinh ?
I think this is what you want?
div[id*='screenScrollView'] > div > :nth-of-type(1) >div :nth-child(2) >div {
padding-right: 0px;
Change the 1 in nth-of-type(1) to the corresponding order number of choice component on your screen.
Relevant documentation from @Lucas_Pires:
So this is bullet-proof/future-proof as long as my component layout doesn’t change?
Also, how can I test to see if my component choices wrap on other mobile screens? Kinda like the way the Chrome Inspector allows you to preview a screen on different devices?
Yes, that’s true. As you have noticed, this relies on that specific choice components being 1st, 2nd and 3rd on your screen.
I assume you can use Device Mode to simulate it on other devices.
I also saw this, maybe you can try it.