Pin component on the screen

How can I pin a component to the bottom of the screen?

Specifically, we are trying to make a chat element with fixed text entry component.

You’d have to use CSS which is only available on Business pricing (Glide • Pricing)

It’s surprising that CSS is limited to the Business subscription tier.

This restriction hinders many developers from exploring and experimenting with their designs due to the high cost and potential incompatibility with their app’s user base and profitability.

I would recommend that Glide reconsider this approach and explore alternative options to provide greater accessibility for developers.

I wish at least it were an add-on that we could enable per app @david

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Yes, I already subscribe this plan.
But I don’t have css experience, I see a lot of experience using rich text component in the community, but there seems to be no experience sharing in customized css, I would like to know if we want to use customized css by using customized css how to achieve