Is there a way to upload CSV files that will add rows to my glide table?

I have a scheduling app that I am creating with glide and I want to know if I can upload a CSV file (google sheet or excel doc) and it will create new rows based rows and columns on the document? I am new to No code but I am starting to understand the basics. I am open to using features like Webhooks or similar but need guidance with those applications since i never used them before.

Description of what I am tryin to accomplish:

If I receive an email with a request for labor for an event, I can take the email and have chatGPT compose a CSV file with columns that match my glide table. I then would want to just upload the CSV file vs entering the data manually. If i can accomplish this it would be game changing…

Thank you for reading my post and your help if you are able to give it.

Yes. I’m planning on a video for that using the new Glide API + Glide Big Tables. It works wonderfully as long as you use the same column names.


If you look in the Glide Data Editor, you will see an Import option:


Wow thank you, Glide basics to the rescue, lol. thank you for aways offering you guidance. You have no idea how much help this will be for me. Again, thank you.

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By the way big fan! I made my whole app watching all your videos! You are a good teach and I can wait for this video to drop because it would take my app to the next level.


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