Workflows are in private beta. Most users here in the community do not yet have access to them and will not be able to help with them. Asking workflow related questions here - especially without clearly stating that you are using workflows - is just going to confuse people.
For now at least, please direct any workflow related questions to the private Slack channel. If you don’t have access to the Slack channel, talk to whoever got you access to workflows to arrange an invite.
Thank you for your reply. I think there is a slight misunderstanding in my question which was asked.
My intention was to just know whether there is a way I can write my API output into a basic text column without having any user action.
(I had no intention of asking Scheduled action doubt in here for my above question)
I had no doubts with respect to Schuled actions (as mentioned by you which is in private testing) I think there was a slight misunderstanding in my question asked and what I answered to probable solution given by Mike.
Sure, noted on this and apologies. I’ll edit my previous statement to avoid confusion.