Is My Approach for comments and tagging users right?

Hi Guys,

I have a section called tasks where I list all tasks of users. In this I have a comments section included. Which uses the comments

My Question :

How can I tag other users in comments? I want all the comments they are tagged in to be listed in a place.

I tried searching for articles, closest one I got was this

But this doesn’t let me get to my end result. Is there anything anyone has tried?

Please let me know.

Thank you.


Hi Guys,

What I did as a workaround for tagging users is:

  1. I created a add button where I let users add comments into a task
  2. I create a drop down called Tagged user letting comment creator choose whom they want to tag.
  3. Then I list comments using relation for a task.

Want to know wether this is an acceptable approach?

Or is there any better approach?


That sounds like a reasonable approach to me.

Hi Darren,

Thank you for your reply.
