Invoke camera on device to add photo?

When creating an app with profiles or photo posts, it would be great to have the ability to add a profile image or a post directly from the app. So, instead of just an image picker, there would be the ability to add a photo that you take at that moment (so a camera icon that would open the device’s camera and then use that photo in the same way the image picker would load a photo from the device). It would be consistent with how other social media apps work and would improve the flow and functionality, in my opinion.

I can do that, at least on Android. I click on the image picker, I get an option to select an image or use my camera. If I pick Camera, then I can take a picture and it uploads right away.

Eeesh that was easy. I guess since the creation happens on a PC and clicking image picker just takes me to Windows Explorer, I didn’t think it behaved much differently on device. Makes sense and thanks for that!

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