You could either fetch the results from within Glide or probably more reliably, use a service like Make to listen for POST API calls from Homebase and then write them to Glide using Glide API.
Really appreciate your guidance! Can I accomplish something similar using zapier + webhooks? I’ve never tried this before, but excited to give it a shot!
Per this, you’re trying to get Homebase data into Glide. What I would do in Make:
Check if Homebase has an in-built webhook to fire payloads whenever an event happens in there (i.e you add/edit/delete a record). If yes, point the payload to a webhook module in Make, get the payload and then have a HTTP call to return the relevant fields back to Glide.
If that isn’t available, check if they can query all records. It’s not ideal, but if they don’t have event-based payloads then it’s the only way you can do it. Run a query (via HTTP call, since I don’t see Homebase as an integration in Make), then filter out only records in the last X minutes, and get those back to Glide via another HTTP call. Schedule this scenario to run every X minutes.