I have a problem. I need to convert an existing Google Sheet Tab to a Glide table. There’s been no mention of a timetable for Google Sheets to be convertible in the same way the Excel and Airtable tables are convertible now.
When I export the data to a .CSV and re-import it in to a Glide Table, the Row ID column is not recognized as a Row ID. If I add a Row ID column ALL my relationships will break in all my other tables!
I have a lot of data.
Is there any way to make the Row ID column recognized as a Row ID, Or change the values in the added Row ID column to the values in the old Row ID column?
After giving the problem some thought, I was able to resolve the issue by changing the field in the related table instead of trying to change it in the main table. Fortunately for me, I only had one related table, but the solution would have been the same with more than one table; it just would have taken longer.
Since I had the old Row ID and the new Row ID in the main table, I made a relation in my second table to the old Row ID. Then I made a Lookup Column to the new Row ID (from the main table). Then I made an empty column in the second table called “new Row ID”. Then I cut-and-pasted the data from the Lookup Column to the new Row ID column. After that, I simply needed to do “Find Uses” of the old Row ID column in the second table, and move all references from that column to the new Row ID column. After that, and confirming proper operation of the relations, I was able to safely delete the old Row ID column from the new table and the old Row ID column, the relation and the lookup column from the secondary table. 3000+ records.
I had another table I unfortunately had to scrap because it was a historical data table and had records in it from multiple other tables. I could have found the relations, but in this case, the work required was not offset by any benefit of keeping the data. It was more-or-less a log anyway.