Import and Export Tabs & Components


I would love to have a way to import and export my tabs and components. For instance, I am working on a new tab/component or layout on a copy of my app. Once it’s ready to go, I head over to the live app and make the changes, one by one. Not only is it time-consuming, but the user sees the changes happen, especially if its for the addition of many components.

It would be nice to have an import/export option where you can copy/export the entire tab or component layout, possibly by some internal code created once you click on export, then simply import it to the live app with a few clicks. I do this sometimes for the page builder on my website, instead of having to create the whole block again.



I think it will be something that will be considered when they have publishing options in the future. That would be more handy instead of having a duplicated tab for developing purpose, they will have to handle more tabs that way.


In order for users to not see you make live changes in the production app, you can create a new tab and set visibility to “signed-in user email is yours”. Take you time to build that tab.

Then changes visibility conditions on both tabs (the old one in production and the new one in staging).

I have my sign-in function turned off.