I want to get a total £ value from all rows from another sheet that contains a specific term

I’m trying to track 3 terms on my costs table; Pre / During / Post. Every cost a user inputs into the cost table needs to specify when payment is required (Pre / During / Post).

I want to show this data on the primary job table so I can see how much money is required for ‘Pre / During / Post’

I’m struggling to link them all together, can anyone help?

Happy to provide further details if needed.


Should be able to do it with three query columns in the job table to the costs table, followed by 3 Rollup columns to sum the amount from each query.

Hey - I’m struggling to do this. Can you share an example of how this works?

Not much to it. Where are you stuck? Do you have screenshots of what you have?

For starters, do you have a query column in your job table with a filter in that column linking the job in the costs table to the job in the job row, along with a filter to get a certain cost type?

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