I’m trying to build a dashboard app of “advanced” data analytics and visualizations. I want it to be simple as a default. What I mean is that I want the home page to have let’s say 3 graphs and another tab to have 10 if the user wants to go further into it.
What I don’t want tho is for these 3 graphs to be static. I want 3 random graphs generated each day, or each week, or each time the user logs in or something like this.
If only one could change that would be fine as well, but I guess the logic would be similar whether it was one or three.
Charts in Glide are data driven. If the data changes, the chart changes. Same if you use a third party like quickchart, or use the Custom Component to build your own graph and chart components. It’s all data driven and updates as soon the data changes. Nothing is static unless you force it to be static, or only feed it static data.
What I meant is that I have 10 different types of visualizations with data that is not static in the “All visualizations” tab.
As of now at the home page I show Visualization A,B,C. I want to make it possible that once in a while the user sees e.g. Visualization D instead of C in the home page.
I don’t want the types of visualizations shown to be static might be a better way to put it?
I’d imagine you could set up several boolean columns somewhere, such as the user table or the table driving the screen, and then set up visibility conditions for each visualization based on those boolean flags.
What if I come in and want to see Visualization D but it isn’t randomized for me? I wonder if someone asks for that and you have a “Show all” button for them.
I will have a “Show all” button that goes to the other tab where all visualizations would be. I just want the first three in the home/overview page to not be the same each time the user opens the app.
This would need to be done manually though. My idea would be that ideally every three days, there will be a new trio of visualizations shown. Without me having to change them up manually
I don’t have any immediate ideas off the top of my head, but I would think you could set something up with some date math to get a numeric value that automatically changes every 3 days, and then using the number, you determine which 3 random visualizations you want to display. Something that wouldn’t require manual intervention. It would all me automated based on the current day.
I don’t know. I’m just throwing out random thoughts on how AI would begin to approach nthe problems. I’m sure there are a lot more factors at play, such has:
Is it every 3 days, every day, every week, something else? At login would be tough, but anything date bate would be easier.
What’s the maximum number of visualizations? Can that number ever change? Do you truly want the visitations randomly selected, or would you determine which 3 show for each cycle?
Creating a math formula or javascript code that automatically creates a different number every 3 days for example is easily doable. Then it’s a matter of what to do with that number. Do you show certain visualizations based on that number, or is that number used as a seed value to trigger a different random selection.
Like I said, I don’t have any immediate step by step plans. These are just high level thoughts. There’s a lot of ways to approach it, but I think I would use something based on the current date/time to generate a number that only changes every 3 days. I would need a lot more information about your setup and flow to determine what the math or code would be because I don’t know if that number would have to be a series of numbers that repeat every few cycles, or if it could be a random off the wall number that is purely used as a seed value for a random number generator.