How to manage PDF editing of a list of items

I managed to generate a PDF document using glide datas and the PDFMonkey application to edit the 1st line of a list of items.

But how can I dynamically manage the editing of a complete list of items whose size varies (depending on the list of items ordered by the customer)?

Thank you in advance for your answers

Hi @zephir, I’m the founder of DocsAutomator, another PDF solution natively integrating with Glide. Happy to help you set up printing of line items! You can find me here in the forum or in the in-app chat in DocsAutomator’s app. Cheers, Rupert

Solved by using the HTML editor instead of the visual editor and by using a loop

 {% for lineItem in lineItems %}
      <tr class="{% cycle "bg-white", "bg-blue-100" %}">
        <td class="text-left">{{lineItem.a1}}</td>
        <td class="text-left">{{lineItem.l1}}</td>
        <td class="text-right">{{lineItem.q1}}</td>
        <td class="text-right">{{lineItem.p1 | format: '%g'}}</td>
        <td class="text-right">{{lineItem.m1 | format: '%g'}}&nbsp;€</td>
    {% endfor %}
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