How to increase the row limit?

I have a few questions regarding row limits for the following two scenarios:

  1. I am currently on the Business Plan (100k row limit) but I am using Glide Tables. Is the 25k row limit on Glide tables a hard limit (i.e. will the app prevent me from adding row 25001), or does the performance just start to suffer? Will I get a warning giving me time to move to Big Tables? If I move to Big Tables and then hit the 100K limit, how do I increase that? I don’t see a way of paying for more rows the way I can pay for more updates. Would I call Glide Sales and move to the Enterprise Plan?

  2. I plan on building a different application for a non-profit where they might need hundreds of users. Since they are a non-profit, the would only be able to afford the Maker plan (50k row limit). What are my options if they exceed the 50k limit? If they can’t pay to increase the row limit on the Maker plan, it will be a problem as it will be too costly for them to move to a Enterprise plan.

It will prevent you from doing it.

Contact sale!

If they can’t increase the rows limit cap in your context, yes, moving to an enterprise plan would be the solution.

Again, here, it will depend on the number of additional rows that you will need.

I also have questions regarding this, does row owners come into play as well? i.e. glide table has 30K rows, with over 10 users only seeing 3k rows each due to row ownership. Does it still stop it from loading?

Using row owners doesn’t change the number of rows stored on the server. It just determines which rows are downloaded to your device. Using row owners does not increase your row limit.


Row owners is a security feature. Nothing to do with rows usage.


Perhaps soon the glide big tables will be able to do everything that glide tables does! Or at the very least have a quicker way to migrate data for archiving onto a glide big table.