How to export to Excel

I need to export certain data to a .XLSX file, not a .CSV is that possible?

You can open a CSV file in Excel and save it as an XLSX file.

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That’s what I tried to explain to the user, but they don’t seem to understand.

There’s a bit more to Excel files than just raw text. It would require additional libraries to convert the data. My only thought would be some third party integration like Make where maybe there is a function to convert CSV to Excel.

is there a way to directly download the file instead of open link?

Mind you, I’ve never had to do something like this, so I don’t know what’s possible or how well it would work.

That said, which file are you referring to. A CSV, or an Excel file? Is this assuming you ran it through a Make process to convert the file? If so, where is the file stored after it’s converted?

People who are not at all familiar with tech/computers might get intimidated when they might be told to “just” open the CSV in Excel. That is Chinese to them.

But really, a lot of software exports data as CSV as a standard. Going out of your way with 3rd-party integrations to get them an Excel file instead of a CSV is a little overboard, and in my opinion your setup will include complexity that will break eventually.

I’ve encountered your issue before, and my approach has been to educate the user: “Most software do CSV exports, and Excel allows CSV imports as easily as opening any Excel file, it’s almost the same, let me show you.”


Agreed. I deal with CSV files often at work. They open seamlessly in Excel as if they were excel files without the formatting…and from there I can re-save them in an excel format, or more often I’ll save them as PDF documents.