How to delete multiple rows

I have main table with all my rows.

I am creating a second table to list delete rows. I am using a text field to insert a number of rowids spearated by a single space. I want to delete these rowIDs from the main table.

Is this possible or do I need to create a working table to split the rowids on to individual rows and then create a relation to the main table ?

Use the relation approach. You can delete multiple rows through a relation or query. You don’t need a separate working table to split into separate rows. Just use a Split Text column to create an array, and then relation that uses that array. Then delete through the relation.

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… can’t figure it out, help pls.

This is my main table, the 3 rowid highlighted are the ones I want to delete

this table is what decides what needs to be deleted. I place a list of rowIDs in the rowid_delete field.

I want to delete rows in the main table that have these rowIDs using a button press

If you need to delete all IDs from all rows with coma separated list, so just create Joined list column in User row then create split column from above and finally create multiple relation to be able to deleting all rows with listed Row IDs

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Create a Split Text column in your delete table with space as the delimiter. This will create an array of row IDs. Use that split array to create a Relation. Point your delete action to that relation. That should be it.

Basically what showed in his video, but you are using space instead of comma as a delimiter in your Split Text column.

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Jeff/Slscustom, Thanks. this works perfectly.

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