Just by the way my answer isn’t in this thread as the formula in this thread converts the time to decimals which I don’t. I just want to get rid of Seconds and keep the HH:MM format as it is.
For simplicity, I’d probably pass it into a javascript column, split the value on ‘:’ and then rejoin only the first two parts of the array.
To do it with glide columns, you could create a Split Text column to split each part into an array. Create two single value columns to get the hour and minute values, then a template column to join it back together.
Might intially need a template column to lock the duration as a string before either method.
Also another method would be to use some mildly complex math to end up with 8.44 instead of 8:44:00, then replace ‘.’ with ‘:’
Maybe I should ask…do you only need the duration to be a string or does it have to be a number for further calculations?
I tried using Split Text column, separated the values by ‘:’
Used Slice Array to just get HH:MM and get rid of :SS.
Now the problem is, if the duration is 9 minutes 50 seconds lets say like shown in the screenshot in the last entry, the HH doesn’t show up at all. This would have worked if the HH:MM:SS column would have shown the duration as 00:09:50, instead it just shows up as 9:50. which invalidates our theory.
I’m at my computer now, so I’ll play with this a little bit. Do you need to add several durations together, or is your graph only showing one duration per row?