How to convert date and time to increasing numbers?

I created a “Template” column that displays dates and times in the following format:

Day/Month/Year, Time. As shown in the following printout:

I would like to turn this date into an increasing number, so that the higher the date and time respectively, the larger the number will be. Is this possible?

What’s your use case?

I have these two columns:

Each one gives random dates and times. I need to know which comes first and which comes after.

I tried using an IF column, but it doesn’t identify the values ​​as numbers:

This way I’m not able to identify which one has the most recent date and time, you know?

If you are working with real dates and date columns, then it’s really easy. If they are just text, then where do those values come from?

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Both come from plain text “Column is user specific”

So it was manually entered by a user using a text entry, or a choice component, or a date picker?

Point I’m trying to get at is that if it starts out as a true date and remains a true date, then it’s really easy to compare two dates and see which one is more recent with a simple IF column. I see one is a single value column. What type of column is that pulling from, and how did the original column get filled. The other is a template column. What types of columns fill that and how were those original columns filled?

I mean you could probably use a text to date column to convert your text dates to true dates, but I’m trying to determine where those text based dates originated from to determine if there is a better way.


I believe that using a text column for the date is the best option. But I can’t do this. I don’t know how to fill in the fields: “Format”, “location” and “time zone”.

No offence, but that’s probably the worst way to enter a date. Use a Date picker, then you get a true datetime value, and then from there (as Jeff pointed out) it’s very easy to work with. Starting with a text representation of a date is just making things way more complicated than they need to be, and opens up all sorts of pitfalls.


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