How to change order of options within in-app Filter

I have an in-app filter in which High, Medium, and Low are the options. However, the filter displays them in alphabetical order: High, Low, Medium. How can I fix it so that it displays them in the logical order: High, Medium, Low?

As far as I know, there is no way to manipulate that. You can create a custom filter though to set it up as you’d like

Thank you, Tuzin. I do not know how to set up a custom filter to do that, and I cannot find documentation about how to do it. Can you help me get started, or is there documentation I can read?

I’ve explained it in detail in some other post. You can try to find it yourself or give me a minute to find it

There you go

Thank you very much!

Hi @coastal.

Creating a custom filter as Tuzin suggests is an option, though it might be overkill if you do prefer using the native in-app filter.

You could create an additional template column to add a number to the high-medium-low options to impose an alphabetical order. It’s not the most elegant, but it might do for your use case.

Option Option Alphabetical
High 1. High
Medium 2. Medium
Low 3. Low

Option Alphabetical would be a template column that would use the values in the Option column. Now configure the in-app filter along the Option Alphabetical column.


Thanks Nathanaelb. I found that the custom filter was overkill for my purposes and ended up doing something similar to what you suggested. Instead of numbers, I added a colored circle emoji for each option: red for High, orange for Medium, yellow for Low. I discovered that the in-app filter by default displays these in the order that I wanted. I am not sure why it does, but I guess it puts the colors in order based on the ROYGBIV spectrum. Just a lucky coincidence that works for my purposes.


Luck is part of it, thanks for sharing, that’s a nice trick.

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That’s awesome! Something that you would never come up with when you’re too experienced and are used to firing on all cylinders :laughing:
Thank you for the trick!


I’m sure the info that you provided will be useful for a future project. I am very new to Glide, and I’m going to create a sandbox app where I can try using the custom filters. Thanks again!