How To: Build a Gamified Glide App (updated 10/6/20)

Learn to create a gamified Glide app from scratch!

Complete with XP, in-app currency, ranks, progress bars, guilds, challenges, inventory and item stores.

Part 1:

Create your spreadsheet, design an onboarding experience, set up user profiles, and add users to guilds!


Part 2:

Build a ranking system, calculate XP, determine rank of users, configure user dashboard to include progress bar towards next rank.

Learn the secret of using a multiple relation to self (same row) to create a enhanced profile title image at the end of this video.

More videos coming your way—stay tuned!


Amazing! Bookmarking to watch later

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Great!!! I’ll be watching this over and over.

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Hey @Robert_Petitto can you point me to where I can find pictures for the ranks?


I got mine from

Search for ranks or ranking…will probably require a bit of photoshop skills.

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Thanks!!! I will check it out!

Sitting in the garden, a sunny afternoon in Amsterdam, a beer and learning from Robert, life is good!



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Part 3: Challenges and Gold!

Create challenges for your users to complete, award them in-app currency AND/OR XP, create an admin dashboard to view/approve challenges.


Gosh your work rate on here is phenomenal.


Look at you awarding badges! (Which is going to be my next video by the way :wink:)


You got me onto it…you have a lot to answer for! I blame my lack of free time on this forum and developing on glide. Could be worse.

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Wow! One thing I never knew that has blown my mind with the possibilities that you showcased in this video is tab visibility conditions!

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This is awesome. Thanks a lot @Robert_Petitto.

I went ahead and added Diamonds as part of the reward.


Looking good already!!!

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Thanks to you, man!!!

Part 4: Badges and Leaderboards

Create badges, automate the awarding of badges, create user leaderboards and guild leaderboards.


Thank you, @Robert_Petitto! I appreciate you, Sir!

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Oh yes, I was waiting for this one ! Another holiday day well spent!

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