How do implement a row that has 4 column as its relation?

I am trying to implement Story like feature in my application. A user will have exactly 4 friends. I already have these columns in my table:

Those columns should contains email from User’s table.
My question is: how do I put a list here that will displayed those 4 emails? I am guessing this is Inline list?


Glide will convert those columns into an array column.
You cannot use an array column as the source for an Inline List.
However, if you really want an Inline List then there is a little trick you can use to transpose that array column into a single column with multiple rows.


Hi Darren thanks for this! I just realize Array is not supported in inline list. Hence, I change my table configuration to be one-to-many. I am going to ask more about it tho!

Thanks for the reply