How can I remove the edit screen (and edit button) from my mobile app?

Hello, I need to remove the edit button and the edit screen. I can’t see how I can prevent my users from editing the data (there is no possibility to uncheck “allow users to edit” as I see in videos).

Here you can see the button:

Here si the edit screen (without any components)

Can you please help me?
Thank you.

Hi Honza,

Can you provide a screenshot of the component and screen type that you are trying to edit? It looks like a details screen and if so you should be able to find a tab on the right next to General called Edit Form. From there you should be able to uncheck the button saying Allow Users To Edit.

I hope you mean this one.

When you click in one of the task options do you go to a page where you see the option to remove the edit option?

nope :frowning:

You are viewing the option settings for specifically the inline list component on the screen. You need to new the options for the entire screen. Then you can turn off editing.

Ah good catch!

@Jeff_Hager sorry, I don’t see it. And usually, I’m not completely stupid :slight_smile:

Here is the main screen options.

Here is the task detail.

Hi @honzapav,

What’s the action attached to the Inline List? :

Is it Show Detail screen?

Thank you


You should see a tab like this :


Do you see that after giving a reload to your browser?

And can you show the settings of that inline list that is located in that tab?

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No, I don’t see it.

Here are the settings:

I will try to create an app from a template to test it in a different context.

I don’t know if this can be related – but I am not able to publish the app (symptoms same case here, the app is offline for several seconds).

Sorry, I misunderstood which screen you were referring to.

I agree with @Dilon_Perera. I did a quick test, and it seems like you aren’t seeing the General and Edit Form tabs in the right hand panel.

Actually it seems like you don’t see the Edit Form tab on either you main screen or you task screen. The main tab options should look like this:
Where your’s looks like this:

Your Task screen options should look like this:
Where yours looks like this:

I don’t think you are doing anything wrong in this case. I can’t seem to reproduce your issue. This may be a bug that needs to be submitted to glide.

I have created an app from scratch and still don’t see the options. I’ll report the bug.
Thanks for helping everyone!


Hello, I have resolved the problem with support. The publishing of my app was fixed. The main problem – missing buttons and options that allow or prevent users from editing – was caused by insufficient rights of the Airtable user. The user has an Airtable Viewer role and couldn’t edit Airtable data. I hope this helps someone in future :slight_smile:

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