Help needed to form a "word of the day" app

I’m not sure I understand what you are saying. A relation is not a lookup of a single column. Yes it uses a single column in one sheet to link to a single column in another sheet, but it’s still a link to an entire row. The only way to pull out a single column value from a relation is to use a lookup column that references that relation.

That’s the point I was trying to make to @Ap_Seh is that they have a relation column but I believe they were calling it a lookup when it isn’t a lookup and doesn’t function like a lookup. You can’t set a value in a component from a relation, because a relation is not a single value…it’s a row or multiple rows. If they add a Lookup column and point it to the relation column, then they can pull the word of the day out of that relation and set the component value to that lookup value.

Looking at the screenshots I did not see a lookup column, so I can only assume that there isn’t one. Yes, the my wording is a little vague, but I like to make people think a little bit and ask follow up questions if they still don’t understand something. Just telling someone to add a Lookup column may not heIp them fully understand why they need to do it. If they have to think about what I’m saying or asking, then it’s helps them to better understand how everything works together in the future.

“…teach a man to fish…”

This is actually a good illustration: