GlideTeam, you have provide a code to Hash256 columns that are great but what about decoder this encoded data. Can you help me more ? How to retrieve my data hash256 readable?
If I use this hash256 to encode emails column how to retrieve from a Glide component my data to use on the fly ?
SHA-256 cannot be decoded. SHA-256 is a one-way process that is not reversible.
What other methods are there to protect and unprotect data using different encoders? You mentioned they can only be used for content anonymization, but I’m not sure—couldn’t a private and public key be an option?
I guess it depends on the use case. There is RSA and AES encryption, neither of which are native to glide. You would probably have to use some javascript, but if you are decrypting within the app, you are probably exposing the keys, so the encryption does not provide any protection.
Can you explain what you are trying to do and why you need to encrypt data?