With “Choice” I can choose different products from a table by means of “radio buttons” (max 10).
In google sheets i made 10 collumn
s product 1 … product 10. In the glide sheet these 10 columns become an array column. When entering with “choice” and radio buttons I no longer see the array column, but I do see 10 product columns. How can I put the data in the columns the 10 or in the array?
If you’re trying to create a choice component, the data that can be displayed are rows of data, not columns. If you’d like products 1-10 as options in a choice component, you should have a separate sheet for all Products, listed in a single column and use that as your data source for your choice component.
That’s correct. I have these in another sheet under products. I choose a number of products from this column. That works fine. But I can’t get them saved in another sheet as product 1, product 2, product 3 etc.
The options are obtained from the “product” column of the product sheet. you can choose multiple (max 10) products. These choices must then be stored in the sheet “deelmaaltijd” under the columns product 1 to product 10 (in the Google sheet) or the column product in the glide sheet.
That’s not how the multi-select works. When you use multi-select, the choices will be saved as a comma separated list in the target column. From your screen shots, it looks like your choice component is targeted at the ‘Product 1’ column, so all selections would be written to that column.
Yes, the choices have values with which I calculate how many kcal, fat and protein a part meal provides.
See first part of the screendump, you see the column kcal and part of a next column fat.
Okay, if I understand correctly you should be able to do the following:
Write your multi-select choices to a single column, As already noted, this will give you a joined list of values.
Use a Split Text column to convert that list into an array.
Create a multi-relation column that joins the split text column to the product name column in your product sheet.
You can now use 3 Rollup Columns to get the sum of each of kcal, fat & protein respectively. Each rollup column will take the sum of the appropriate column in your Products table, via the relation created in the previous step.
I need to know the amount of product used first.
Only then can I calculate how many kCal it has for each product separately.
Formula is as follows:
(how much/per)*kcal
in this is:
how much = ? (so I still need to know)
Per = value from product sheet
kcal = value from product sheet