At the time being the horizontal list is the only features really needed from the Classic App. It is an essential component for a good user experience.
Thank you for replying. Let me reword it…I meant I wish it was also available in the new Glide Apps like it was in Classics. But, can’t wait for them to add it! Thank you!!
I’m also waiting for horizontal orientation. The only alternative for horizontal that I see, is to have page size set to one (or two), and then user has to tap the next page arrow. Definitely not as nice, yet. Even with that, I can’t get sizing decent on images for profile pics with name underneath.
Classic app, horizontal orientation with 4 items/ screen width. Nice and compact.
Since this really takes up a lot of screen space, I think until horizontal orientation is available, I’ll just have a button to view group member profiles in a list on a slide in new screen.
I also used swipe in my classic app, but in my rebuild I just used a single card with a next button that prints the ID for the next item to view.
@Rosewebstudio Nice. Yes that’s what I’m looking for. I just double checked and I still don’t see it available in my app, but I do see that article says “This month, …” so perhaps it’s not launched yet?
@ThinhDinh Did you know if with css we can Make sure that when swipe horizontally it does the animation as on the classic app? (basically that it swipe from 1 item to another).
The new feature of a horizontal list is an improvement, however, it is frustrating that no matter how small the images are sized, no more than 2 are allowed at once on a mobile screen. I do not understand why we don’t have the ability to show 3 or 4 across at once. And with regular images, why I can’t place even two side-by-side on mobile. I’m not looking for fancy, just basic functionality here.