Glide Pages (now App) missing features for migration?

Hi, I’m thinking about to move my Classic App to a new App (Pages) but I miss two important features in Pages:

  • List with Horizontal orientation (which is the one I need more)
  • Standard Calendar view (the one as a list)

Is there any plan to introduce at least the horizontal orientation for Cards/Tiles ? Is there a way in pages to do a sort of it ?


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Horizontal list is planned.

Not sure about a calendar list, but it’s been discussed with the Glide team.


Also “Swipe” mode.


HI, any idea when it’s going to be added? Also, why was it removed? It’s very needed =)

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I don’t know when the horizontal list will be added, but I know it’s on Glide’s short list.

No idea what Glide’s plans are for a calendar list.

Neither were removed. They have never been a feature of the New Glide Apps.


At the time being the horizontal list is the only features really needed from the Classic App. It is an essential component for a good user experience.


Thank you for replying. Let me reword it…I meant I wish it was also available in the new Glide Apps like it was in Classics. But, can’t wait for them to add it! Thank you!!

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I’m also waiting for horizontal orientation. The only alternative for horizontal that I see, is to have page size set to one (or two), and then user has to tap the next page arrow. Definitely not as nice, yet. Even with that, I can’t get sizing decent on images for profile pics with name underneath.

Classic app, horizontal orientation with 4 items/ screen width. Nice and compact.

Pages/ New app best attempt. Can only fit 2 per page, otherwise on some screens it runs into a second row.

Since this really takes up a lot of screen space, I think until horizontal orientation is available, I’ll just have a button to view group member profiles in a list on a slide in new screen.

I also used swipe in my classic app, but in my rebuild I just used a single card with a next button that prints the ID for the next item to view.


This? :point_down: @MatthewS


Hi! How to aсhive this horizontal view?

No such option!
Does horizontal style only for paid plan?

@Rosewebstudio Nice. Yes that’s what I’m looking for. I just double checked and I still don’t see it available in my app, but I do see that article says “This month, …” so perhaps it’s not launched yet?

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I will keep :eyes: but good news once it’s released :+1:

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Is that available ? I was waiting this feature and the sign in screen for switch into new apps. (For my APP mobile)

It is live for card & grid collections.


@ThinhDinh Did you know if with css we can Make sure that when swipe horizontally it does the animation as on the classic app? (basically that it swipe from 1 item to another).

I find this for people want to hide the scroll bar on mobile.

But you need a BUsiness plan for css

Here as the code

.ecuRJN.horizontal::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;

Most likely the “.ecuRJN” part won’t be consistent across devices, and it can be changed any time, if history teaches us anything :sweat_smile:

UPDATE This has just been fixed! Thank you!!!

The new feature of a horizontal list is an improvement, however, it is frustrating that no matter how small the images are sized, no more than 2 are allowed at once on a mobile screen. I do not understand why we don’t have the ability to show 3 or 4 across at once. And with regular images, why I can’t place even two side-by-side on mobile. I’m not looking for fancy, just basic functionality here.

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I need 7!!! LOL Pages will never be as good as Apps… ;-(

Absolutely agree with you new Apps will be much more better!
Step by step…