Glide Game Development - Mobile Idle Game

I have been playtesting the game with a small group for about a month.
Building with Glide enabled me to make quick fixes and tweaks on the fly.

Some stats: 1(Admin) + 8 Players (On Free plan)
:canoe: 143 Jobs Completed
:round_pushpin: 5 Orders Completed
:beer: 39 Times Tavern Visited
:ramen: 70 Food Consumed
Presenting Flag Crew, a game inspired by ride hailing app but in a pirate setting.
Watch the overview here

I would like to know what are some risk if I upgrade it to Maker Plan.
The feature to send notification will be useful, and of course opening up to Unlimited personal users will be awesome. But I am also worried about the updates count requires as the game might be heavily relying on click and updates which on a free plan was unlimited.

Let me know your thoughts and if developing game was ever a wise decision.

Cheers :tada:


The Maker plan is nothing more than an enhanced Free plan with increased limits and features. It would not introduce any new limitations that you would already have with the free plan.


Wow, the use of HTML and CSS to build a RPG map is awesome.


Is amazing!!!, by the way, does anyone tried getting duration from an audio file?, i need to trim some audio background and then mix it with the recording of an user, a sort of mixing audio for the final output, for a fairy tale generator with background sound/ambient
Thanks in advance!!!

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Maybe you could explore using APIs.

One of the greatest apps I’ve seen recently.


:raised_hands: Thank you.This meant a lot coming from one of the greatest Glide community idol! :sunglasses::grin:

Wow! I never imagined a game could be built with no-code. This is amaaaaaaaazing! :exploding_head: