Glide Builder Tweaker — Chrome Extension | Collapse/Expand Components, Workflows folders & More

Can replicate, not working anymore… I’ll make a fix.

Does anyone have the same issue with the chevron tweak?

It seems that it’s not just Chevron that isn’t working, for me none of the 3 features are.

Problem found.

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A fix has been applied. The Chrome extension will be updated within 24 hours.


I’m really excited to try it out :heart_eyes:. You created what I had asked for a few months ago: Hide items from containers

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You could add this post to it !

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The update worked perfectly with Chevron, I loved it! The other 2 features aren’t working for me, but what I wanted most was the containers one.

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The 2 others are still in development :slight_smile: But be sure that I will fix them!

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Vincent requested some of the features of your extension. Amazing, Maxime!

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Thank you so much @nathanaelb !

Any chance you might have tweak ideas?

Is there something wrong with this at the moment?

I enabled everything but it’s not working for me.

Yesz doesn’t work right now. I need to fix it…

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I have updated it! Now workflows folders are working! Still buggy when playing with add/remove/rename workflow, but that will also be fixed soon!

Sorry, I miss your question! Yes I will implement that as a sub option.

Does anyone have issue seing the app interaction workflows when the workflows folders tweak is enabled?

Yes, I see only like 4 or 5 of them, I have about 20.

That is what I thought :thinking:

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