Chrome Extension: Glide AI Component Library Released! 🚀

Intro - Glide Ai Component Library Chrome Extension v1Chrome Extension Chrome Extension: Glide AI Component Library Released! :rocket:

Hey Glide community! :tada: Ready to revolutionize how you work with AI components? I’ve created a game-changing Chrome extension and companion Glide app ( that puts a library of pre-built AI components at your fingertips! In this video, I’ll show you how to streamline your workflow with instant component insertion, build your favorites collection, and join a growing community of innovators. We’re just scratching the surface of what’s possible, and I’m looking for brilliant minds to help shape this resource! :rocket:

Key Features:

  • :zap: Right-click to instantly insert AI components into your projects
  • :star2: Create a personalized collection of your favorite components
  • :handshake: Share your custom components with the entire Glide community
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Sync new components with one click
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Easy installation process while we await Chrome Web Store approval
  • :busts_in_silhouette: Looking for admin collaborators to help moderate and grow the library

:movie_camera: WATCH: Intro - Glide Ai Component Library Chrome Extension v1.mp4 - Google Drive

CHROME EXTENSION: Glide Ai Component - Google Drive


I was in a huge hurry. Sorry about all the “ums” and “ahs” lol

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This is a great inintiative and will help a lot of people on here. I know i am one of those that will use it a lot and will benefit from it so THANK YOU. Much appreciated…

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Hi John, I had totally missed this topic, what a neat project.

Question: when I navigate to the details page of an custom AI component and toggle the switches to active, they switch back to inactive after a few seconds. Is this wanted behavior?

Hey @nathanaelb …see beelow…I added this to it…

Also…Glide ai component chrome extension 4.0 early update: