Glide AI : Audio to Text (en français)

Comment transformer un audio en texte avec Glide AI ? Sous le capot, on met en place OpenAI Whisper au sein de votre application Glide.

Mise en place de A à Z :

• Mise en page des composants dans l’éditeur de mise en page
• Organisation des tables et colonnes requises dans l’éditeur de données
• Mise en place de l’action Glide AI Audio to Text
• Démonstration de l’action avec un enregistrement et la transcription en temps réel

(vidéo en français)

How to convert audio to text with Glide AI? Under the hood, we set up OpenAI Whisper in your Glide application.

Setup from A to Z:

  • Layout of components in the layout editor
  • Organization of the required tables and columns in the data editor
  • Setting up the Glide AI Audio to Text action
  • Demonstration of the action with a recording and real-time transcription.

(the video is in French)


Let’s go!!! :fr: :fr: :fr:

I didn’t understand a word you said, but it looks amazing.

Keep it up sir! :fire: :fire: :fire:

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Here’s an English SRT version (translated via Whisper) if you want to add that to your video.


Wow this is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much. I’m totally new to creating video and YouTube Studio, I hope YouTube accepts your SRT file.

I plan on finishing the Glide AI series in French first, then I’ll do it in English.

Again thank you so much, Thinh. I don’t really know what else to say, I’m so grateful :pray:

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Let me know if you can import it to your YouTube video. I can easily help with it. I have a Whisper app for MacOS that can work in the background while I do other things. I just need to feed it your YouTube URL.

I’m heading to my office and trying this out now, I’ll let you know in a bit.

What is the Whisper app you use if I may ask?

It’s MacWhisper by Jordi Bruin. It’s really good.