Only ‘basic’ columns are exported via Generate CSV. Do UniqueIDs get exported (I saw that the RowID got exported in my test)? I suspect they resolve to a basic/text field. Does this also include LookUps that resolve to a ‘basic’ column? Weird that the Generate CSV shows all the columns to select from not just the basic ones.
Is the below the “will be exported columns” via Generate CSV (this is from the Type/Basic menu-select found in the data builder when adding a new column)?
Thanks Thinh. I was looking at the new Trebuchet method which would be a Multiple Files column as the extract for the CSV and wanted to be sure it would fall under Basic. Hunted around and found a @Robert_Petitto where he created a MF column for a CSV export.
Was trying to save some search time to verify what is can be exported or not under the definition ‘Basic’.
Given that Glides shows ALL columns instead of just ‘Basic’ columns in the Generate CSV I was wondering if that meant something…guess not.