Download CSV file - with file links

Hi there,

I’ve created a ‘generate CSV file’ action from my data - but I’m unable to include my file column, within the export.

This file column has a link to uploaded documents into the app.

For some reason, it’s the only column that I can’t select to be part of the export? It’s not even appearing as an option under select columns.

Any help appreciated!

Is it a basic or a computed column? Computed column cannot be exported in a CSV.

Update : I was wrong. :joy:
My bad, you are right. I was looking at my app that does it and forgot that I had to change the selected columns. :man_facepalming: LOL Thanks @Hassan_Nadeem :slight_smile:

@MaximeBaker, computed columns can be exported to CSV.

@Rupert_Wood, are you trying to export multiple-file column? If yes, then that can not be exported to CSV as it’s an Array column. You can use a Join List column to combine all the file links, and use that to export.


Thanks - I changed it to a URL column instead of file, and it now works.

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