Function that shows 2 users that match


I am trying to build a function that presents whether two users match.

User 1 owns a Blue Landrover with 5 seats and is looking for a Red Chevrolet with at least 4 seats.
User 2 owns a Red Chevrolet with 2 seats and is open to anything.

User 1 visits a page where User 2 has their ad posted and should see that 2 out of 3 criteria are met.

  • I have User table with Row owners.
  • The information about what they own and what they are looking for, should be in the Users table but it’s not necessary.
  • The information is presented in the Public table



It works well when I have all the data without Row Owners in the User table, but I am having problems getting the function to work in the Public table. Any quick fix?

/ Jonas